
Ma shanti b
Ma shanti b

ma shanti b ma shanti b

After completing her PhD, she spent the next five years as a Director at an international NGO, and engaged with food security and Indigenous Food Sovereignty projects with over 40 First Nations and Indigenous communities across Canada. Her research focused on inclusive and participatory governance of coastal ecosystems in Paraty, Brazil. She moved back to Canada to complete a PhD in Environmental Governance. Erika worked internationally for over twelve years and has held senior management positions at several international organizations.

ma shanti b

Kevan began working for IEG in 2013 and has worked on projects across Canada and in Taiwan.Įrika has a diverse academic background and a range of professional experiences that are applicable to her role as Social Science Researcher with IEG. Kevan’s current work focuses in the following four areas: (i) assessment of land change impacts on Indigenous land use and culture (e.g., traditional land use and occupancy studies, cultural impact assessments, indigenous knowledge studies), (ii) modelling-based assessments of cumulative effects on traditional land use and ecological indicators, (iii) community engagement related to mine closure planning, and (iv) research on industrial impacts to terrestrial ecosystems and traditional foods. in landscape ethnoecology in 2013 in which he worked with the Tayal Indigenous people of Taiwan to document an ecological and ethnoecological classification for the tribe’s local landscape. He has 12 years of experience in interdisciplinary research and consulting relating to ethnoecology and cultural research, cumulative effects and land use planning, and ecosystem biomonitoring. Kevan specializes in ethnoecology and landscape ecology.

Ma shanti b