
Etika manajemen sumber daya manusia
Etika manajemen sumber daya manusia

The methodology used in this research is descriptive research method, while the sample in this study are employees of Pamulang University, both supporters and lecturers, amounting to 164 respondents. This is considering that human resources are a very important factor in moving the wheel of education at Pamulang University. April 6, 2020.This study aims to analyze the program of improving the quality of human resources, especially lecturers and administrative staff in accordance with Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.

etika manajemen sumber daya manusia etika manajemen sumber daya manusia

"Deep Analysis of Global Pandemic Data Reveals Important Insight.

etika manajemen sumber daya manusia

"Disease Control Priorities Improving Health and Reducing Poverty." The World Bank, 2018.Ĭolangelo, Margaretta. Pembangunan Masyarakat Mempersiapkan Masyarakat Tinggal Landas. Makna Pemerintahan - Tinjauan dari Segi Etika dan Kepemimpinan. "Living with Risk: A Global Review of Disaster Reduction Initiatives." United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Asia & Pasific, United Nation, 2004. Therefore, in this paper, the state's readiness, especially local governments, will be highlighted in facing a crisis (pandemic) from the aspects of risk, impact, and mitigation to the community itself. Judging from the local government's readiness, some have responded slowly and underestimated this pandemic's emergence. The response of the government, especially local governments in Indonesia, is very diverse.

etika manajemen sumber daya manusia

In Indonesia itself, the government has taken preventive measures to respond and prevent the virus's spread. As of April 2020, there have been more than 2 million cases of people in the world infected with Covid-19, and 195 thousand people died at that time. WHO has designated Covid-19 as a pandemic that is difficult to control as of March 11, 2020. Covid-19 first appeared in the city of Wuhan, China, and spread massively throughout the world afterwards. Department of Politic Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Sulawesi Barat, Majene, IndonesiaĬovid-19, government, mitigation, pandemic, risk AbstractĪt the end of 2019, the world is being hit by a pandemic worrying for humanity.

Etika manajemen sumber daya manusia